Calendário de Eventos
Junte-se a si quando lhe convém
Temos várias opções de participação que estão sempre abertas, escolha o seu próprio tempo para estudar ou ajudar.
Quer esteja à procura da próxima reunião familiar, um workshop online, ou apenas queira ver o que se passa no mundo de uma doença rara, o calendário de eventos tem todo o quê, quando e onde precisa.
Abaixo verá eventos sobre uma doença rara hospedados em qualquer parte do mundo.
Netwerkvorming en OC: een tweedaagse workshop
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Familiedag 2024
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Terugblik Informatiedag 2023
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Internationale Conferentie over Burgerwetenschap
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Extra snoezeltraining
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Familiedag RTS
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Nationaal Event Zeldzameziektendag $services.localization.render('platform.appwithinminutes.appHomePageTitle', [$])
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Informatie Dag 2022
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Leefstijl Poli Plus
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Hoe kun je omgaan met verhalen van patiënten, in boekvorm of op het web?
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Samen beslissen samen doen Dementie en verstandelijke beperking
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Ons pad naar de toekomst
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Inspiratiesessie Ondersteunde Communicatie Angelman Syndrome
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Ask a question Marshall-Smith syndrome
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Praat mee in de Dementiekamer
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Pijn en Pijnherkenning What is Pitt-Hopkins syndrome?
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Hoe kunnen we pijn herkennen bij
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TACIT Knowledge project
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Communicatie, van levensbelang! Angelman Syndrome
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Informatiedag november 2019
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Inzicht in het gedrag bij Pitt-Hopkins syndrome
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Behavior of people with Malan syndrome
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Familiedag 2019
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Informatiedag 2018
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2018 Ontmoetingsdag Cornelia de Lange syndrome
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Leer over jouw Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
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Ask your questions about Pitt-Hopkins syndrome