
Pain and Pain recognition with

Online, su questo sito!
Marshall Smith Syndrome Research Foundation
1 sostenitore
Finito, chiuso!


  1. Would you like to introduce yourself and  by means of an 'experience story'? What do you expect from this theme room, what are your wishes? Postpone the sharing of specific experiences so we can get to know each other first.
  2. Would you like to start filling out the questionnaires next?
  3. The team will then make a summary of what we learn from the introductions.
  4. Do you have any questions about pain? Ask them and a team of experts will try to give you an answer.
  5. If you read a question from someone you (also) have experience with, write a story of experience. It may or may not contain a solution...
  6. This will also be processed by the team in the summary that will slowly be completed into an article.

    Ogni persona è unica!
    Il valore di un sorriso!
    Il potere dell'amore!

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