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The mother of a 1-year-old girl with CdLS states that her daughter used to make a lot of cooing and babbling sounds prior to the insertion of ear tubes. It seems to the mother that as of late, these sounds have tapered off. Can you think of a reason why this would occur and any steps that the mother should take?

Antwoord van onze experts

My best guess is that this is normal behavior for children with CdLS. The fact that it follows the placement of the tubes may be coincidental. Typically, developing babies should move on to babbling after cooing, but babies with CdLS typically do not exhibit "normal" babbling behavior, at least not at the expected age and perhaps never. This child's mother could also direct this question to a speech therapist (if her daughter is seeing one) or have a doctor check the ear tubes to make certain there is no infection or clogging of the ear canals.

MG/TK 7-13-10

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