Pergunte ao perito

Can individuals with CdLS have children?

Para pais, prestadores de cuidados, prestadores de cuidados de saúde e professores, surgem frequentemente preocupações e questões relativas aos cuidados e bem-estar dos indivíduos com Cornelia de Lange syndrome. 

A small number of women with CdLS have given birth. Often, mothers have only been diagnosed after their child has been diagnosed with CdLS. Few men with CdLS have fathered a child, though there is little data about fertility in males with CdLS. 

Sexual education should be offered to individuals with CdLS and education should be appropriate to the level of understanding. Contraceptive options are the same as for the general population.


Can individuals with CdLS have children?

Sexual education appropriate to the level of understanding should be offered, and contraception management should follow local standard for the general population.
Hysterectomy is indicated if abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation is present and does not respond to medical treatment.


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