
Do Cognitive and Behavioural Characteristics Change with Age in CdLS?

Research has suggested that behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics in CdLS can change with age (2,137,139,148,172). Findings from one study suggest an association between age and a higher number of behavioural difficulties in individuals with CdLS (137). In this study, older age was specifically associated with lower levels of interest and pleasure, and greater insistence on sameness (148). This suggests older individuals with CdLS display more difficulties.

Research has also suggested that individuals with CdLS can experience increasing difficulties in the frequency and severity of many behavioural characteristics with age. These changes are reported to affect verbal working memory, ASD symptoms, anxiety, low mood, self-injurious behaviour and impulsivity (2,90,109,139,54,166,172,174). Aggression, hyperactivity and sleep difficulties in CdLS may not become more frequent or severe with age.

Challenging behaviour may begin during adolescence and early adulthood (109,167,172). Individuals with CdLS benefit from support during these transitional periods, which can help to reduce mental health issues and challenging behaviour (R65). Support should include using a person-centred approach, gradually introducing changes and considering the individual’s social environment.

summary section

Do Cognitive and Behavioural Characteristics Change with Age in CdLS?:

R65: Individuals with CdLS should receive extra support during adolescence and early adulthood, using a person-centred approach to reduce mental health issues and challenging behaviour.

History des pages
Modifié par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2020/07/02 14:47
Créé par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2020/07/02 14:47



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