Pagina di supporto di WaihonaPedia




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Unisciti alla nostra comunità

La conoscenza per offrire una buona cura e supporto alle persone che stanno affrontando le sfide quotidiane, sta ancora crescendo. Le tue esperienze aiuteranno anche in questo.




  Qualità della vita

Register in 2 steps

To be able to register you on WaihonaPedia, we would like to know more about your involvement. Are you related to somebody with a rare disease? Would you professionally search for more information? Or is your interest related to a study? 

Your answers to these questions are an important to us. They give us more insight in the prevalence and the social and medical involvement. Most important they allow us to help you best.

We will ask you these questions after you register, but before you are approved!
That's why we call it step 2!

Step 1

Before we can ask you the questions above we need some basic information to serve you well.

please complete the form below, 

  1. after completion our website will check your email,
  2. then we can continue with step 2
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About the website contents


All of the information on this WebSite is for education purposes only. The place to get specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment is your doctor. Use of this site is strictly at your own risk. If you find something that you think needs correction or clarification, please let us know at: 

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